Place Fire Dampers
Places Fire Dampers automatically in Ducts that go through a fire wall.
Fire walls are recognized by the tool as faces of a fire compartment mass. The dampers will be placed as a break into Element in the Duct.
Start by drawing a 2D shape, then convert it to a form. Specify height of the form in the appropriate view.

Fill the BE_G Mass_type parameter for the Mass depending on the language version of your template:
“Fire compartment” – for English
“Brandcompartiment” – for Dutch

Remarks: When preparing the English version of the template, remember to preload the necessary fire damper families. Below is a list of required families, along with links for easy download:
RSen_57_DUA_UN_fire damper – rectangular duct connection_gen_witas
RSen_57_DUA_UN_fire damper – rectangular duct connection_gen_witas
RSen_57_DUA_UN_fire damper – round duct connection_gen_witas
RSen_57_DUA_UN_fire damper – round duct connection_gen_witas
The video demonstrates the entire process: